Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ron Paul on Taxes

No Income Tax..

Ron Paul to end the Federal Reserve Monopoly


Monday, June 18, 2007

Sean Hannity Quote:

Sean Hannity:

"Let me tell you something, SIR, Osama Bin Laden and these mad men, if you learn anything about 'em, they're dedicated to the destruction of anybody they disagree with. And they think that God is instructing them to do it."

Now all you really have to do is change three words...the total number of characters even stays the same:

"Let me tell you something, SIR, George W. Bush and these mad men, if you learn anything about 'em, they're dedicated to the destruction of anybody they disagree with. And they think that God is instructing them to do it."

Fuck Sean Hannity

GIULIANI: Nation Build...

Ron Paul on Now With Bill Moyers - October 4, 2002 - Part I

Ron Paul Before the war..

Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is a private for profit bank.

Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy

This is why Ron Paul has to win!

Ron Paul Quote..

Terrorism is a tactic. You can not fight a war against a tactic.

Ron Paul Interview On FOX News (June 16, 2007)

Ron Paul Fox News

Sunday, June 17, 2007


This is for Kendall Ludwig ..

By the way... Rupert Murdoch ..is...

Trying to buy Dow Jones who owns and operates the Wall Street Journal who publishes all sorts of financial data. This would be completely fucked if it happens.

Also: watch out for Myspace to censor and manipulate info (Murdoch already owns myspace if you didn't know that)

Just in case: He is the guy that owns FOX News. I hope you knew that.

Ron Paul Speaks the TRUTH...

Our government over threw a democratically elected president of Iran in 1953. We installed our own leader and ran prison camps all over Iran for oppossers of our policy. BP (The gas station that we give $4 per gallon to) had a lot to do with this... do some wiki on that....please.

do you think Iranians and other Muslims just forgot about this??

Ron Paul brings this up....

Why did 911 happen?
Why Iraq?

The Philosophy of Liberty

Brief explanation of free markets and limited government ideals..

Google Video Search..

Search google video for "Barack Obama Ron Paul" it's all Ron...It's a Ron Paul Revolution....

Can Ron Paul Win???

Yes.. He can. Reason number one.. This is the first election of the internet era. Yeah we have had the internet for what..10?? 15 years now.. but here is why this is the first presidential election of the internet era.. Myspace.. prior to 2004 I was for sure talking shit on myspace about some politics along with alot of other Myspace geeks. But in 2003 Myspace did not have the 55,000,000 users that it has now. Did george W bush have a myspace page during his campaign trail in 2003? Not that I remember. Today every candidate for President has a myspace page.. or fifty. ..Beyond Myspace.. Youtube has increased in popularity.. Blogger.. Facebook.. Craigslist.. and the allmighty Google. Information is being traded more effieciently than ever. The internet is a free market of information trade. If the information can get to the people and spread.. Ron Paul can win.

Ron Paul Has Never Voted To Regulate the Internet..

Ron Paul Always Votes On The Side Of The Constitution and Free Markets..

Ron Paul For President..

Ron Paul is the only candidate for President that tells the truth about anything... He is the only candidate who has the guts to actually tell the truth about how the globale elite are stealing your money through Inflation. Its unconstitutional.. Ron Paul is a constitutionalist and he sticks to his guns.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Its gonna be a long bumpy ride but 2028 will be different.

Well here we are. 2008 is coming soon and elections are gonna be a bitch. There is good news. In 2028 there is a clear cut winner for President of the United States of America and Iraq. Ryan Mullin For President. Please go to my website and see all my views on important political issues like: "Fuck Paying Taxes"